Run Yourself Like a Business

Like many other people, perhaps even like you, I am someone who loves to travel, experience life, help other people, buy beautiful things… pleasures that require financial resources. Looking back on my journey as an employee, self-funded MA student, freelancer and coach, I realised I am most on top of my finances at a time when I adopt a practice of accurate money-awareness. Today, when your income lands straight into your bank account and takes off via your debit and credit cards, you may occasionally find yourself wondering “where did my money go?”.

This is why I want to share with you my super sexy Run Yourself Like a Business pack, the resource that can change the way you perceive money, the way you earn it, the way you spend it, and most of all, the way you want money to support you in creating the life you dream of having.

With Run Yourself Like a Business, I am sharing:

  • A comprehensive guide on how to use this resource pack in order to make the most of it
  • Guidance on how to set achievable goals, both financially and in other areas of your life
  • A fun & sexy, fully automated Excel workbook tracking your monthly income, expenses and savings and giving you an overview of your finances both monthly and for the whole year
  • Instructions on how to fill in the RYLB workbook

Here’s how Run Yourself Like a Business will change how you perceive money:

  • You’ll get a better understanding of how you earn and spend money;
  • You’ll always know where you are financially;
  • You’ll set goals for short and medium periods of time, and you’ll become aware how your earning and spending patterns empower or dis-empower you to achieve your goals;
  • You’ll realise what patterns need to change for you to achieve your goals

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